About yoga

«We become the masters of our lives when we learn how to deal with irritation and reach the peace of mind. For this you need to allow to hear and feel yourselves. Try yoga. Try to feel your body anew. Touch your real Self and open the joy of reaching the harmony of the mind and the body».
Lilia Garayeva
Yoga as we see it is the style of life, it is the way to look at yourself and the world with sincere eyes, it is the ability to liberalize and see many opportunities of happy and interesting life.
Now more and more people are getting interested in Yoga, in the broad sense. Each of us, sooner or later, comes to the fact that there`s a lack of something in life, something hasn`t been lived, hasn`t been done. And here comes the question «How to live so that not to be afraid of dying?»,well, maybe not exactly in this form but essentially death worries people or, to be more exact, “unlived life” does. So, how to live your life? Exactly yours? Here appears the question. And then, only then, a person starts looking for the answer. And finds it in the Veda doctrine, in religion, in spiritual institutes, in the Eastern traditions (Yoga, Qigong and so on) or in something else.
But there are some people who are just interested in their own health. And then they also start searching. And often find rescue in ancient traditional practices, such as Qigong, Yoga, Slavic gymnastics and other.
If you`ve chosen Yoga, then whatever from the two goals you are seeking, we recommend you to start with the body. One of the steps of the classical system Patanjali “Yoga, 8 steps” – Hatha Yoga – will help you.
Hatha Yoga is the system of physical and respiratory exercises aimed at purifying, healing and strengthening all the organism systems, including alimentary, hormone, urino-genital and other ones.And of course, as a side effect, most likely you`ll have a beautiful, strong and relatively flexible body, that will be able to come into relaxation and to serve you for long time.
At the initial stage it is very important to understand the basic details and nuances which hold all the carcass of the positive result from Hatha Yoga. For that it is necessary to come into practice (doing exercises) gradually, without hurry and under the supervision of an experienced instructor who has a regular experience of personal practice and enough positive experience of teaching. That is so because for the period of working with people and his/her own body he/she has most likely managed to define all the peculiarities of right practice which will lead you to health.
Unfortunately, these days classes are often delivered by instructors who don`t have so long and deep experience and who give exercises which bring only temporary relief but result in hidden traumas afterwards, which after some time influences badly on the health of a whole organism.